GLP domestic test facilities
Legends to the abbreviations used
IC: In compliance with GLP
NIC: Not in compliance, major deviations from the GLP principles have been observed. Procedures in the test facility are such that the reliability of data cannot be ensured.
PEN: Pending, GLP compliance status not yet decided on.
RFP: Removed from inspection program.
Nature of Inspection:
FULL: Full routine GLP inspection including study audit
RE-I: Re-inspection following first or routine GLP inspection
FAC: Facility inspection (no study audits)
Areas of expertise:
1: Physical-Chemical testing
2: Toxicity studies
3: Mutagenicity studies
4: Environmental toxicity studies on aquatic and terrestrial organism
5: Studies on behaviour in water, soil and air; bio-accumulation
6: Residue studies
7: Studies on effects on mesocosms and natural ecosystems
8: Analytical and clinical chemistry
9: Other: specified