
40 documents

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  1. I have a complaint about healthcare. What are my options?

    Sometimes the contact with your care provider is different from what you expected. For example, something did not go well with ...

    Publication | 20-03-2018

  2. National Healthcare Report Centre

    Sometimes the contact with your care provider is different from what you expected. For example, something did not go well with ...

    Publication | 20-03-2018

  3. Questions and answers RIVM report Silicone breast implants

    Publication | 14-02-2018

  4. Questions and answers: Update of the RIVM report ‘Silicone breast implants in the Netherlands: A market surveillance study’

    The information below belongs to the RIVM report that is published on 12 February 2018 on the website of RIVM.

    Publication | 12-02-2018

  5. Healthy sense of trust: The story of the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate

    Publication | 12-12-2017

  6. Healthy sense of trust: The story of the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate

    Video | 11-12-2017

  7. Follow-up RIVM report “Silicone breast implants in the Netherlands - A market surveillance study”

    Publication | 13-10-2017

  8. FAQ risk-based pharmacovigilance questionnaire

    In order to effectively monitor the compliance of Dutch MAHs’ with the Dutch and EU legislation, the Inspectorate has developed a ...

    Publication | 02-08-2017

  9. Vulnerable elderly people in Houten need a key figure in the network for cohesion in home care

    The Health and Youth Care Inspectorate investigated how the municipality of Houten organised care networks in home environments ...

    Report | 20-07-2017

  10. Factsheet onderzoek injectienaalden Engels_tcm294-365399

    Publication | 07-05-2015