National Authority for Containment

In 2015 the WHO declared that type 2 poliovirus had been eradicated. However the virus is still present and being used for all kinds of purposes in laboratories and other facilities. The WHO wants to prevent the virus unintentionally being returned into the environment via these facilities and, with that, reduce the risk of a polio outbreak.

In compliance with the WHO action plan the Netherlands has set up a National Authority for Containment. In the Netherlands this task is the responsibility of the Healthcare and Youth Inspectorate (Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd). The NAC is going to ensure that type 2 poliovirus is only still kept in special facilities which comply with strict requirements. These facilities are called type 2 poliovirus essential facilities.

Here you can read about the preparations that are being made in the Netherlands. You will also find information about which measures the Inspectorate has already taken to contain the polio virus in the Netherlands.

The NAC is going to certify the PEFs. You can find information about the certification process on the PEF Certificate page